Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Last night I spent a considerable amount of time watching youtube videos on Photoshop tutorials and one I came across was Gavin Hoey's. There are several different techniques which I am going to experiment with just to see how they turn out:

  • Little Planet
  • Rain
  • Fog and Mist
I probably won't use them again in the future however I still feel it'll be beneficial to me to watch tutorials as to improve my skills with Photoshop. :) 

Monday, 29 August 2011

These are the final photos from my portrait shoot, I'll try to narrow my final few down again so I have 4 or 5 rather than 7 but overall I am pleased with how they have turned out. 

Sunday, 28 August 2011

This is one of my portraits taken from today. I like the contrast between my model's dark clothing and make-up to the natural green background. I shot these on ISO 800 so they're not crisp clean images however I think it works quite well. I have another 15 photos to decide between and when I have my final 4/5 I will make another post with all of them in! Tomorrow I am going to go through my portraits of Luke and begin to edit those and possibly go through my sunset ones from Liverpool. 
Today if the weather keeps up, I'll be going out with my friend Hayley to be doing some gothic inspired portraits. If the weather decides to give up then I'll be spending the day inside sorting out my previous portraits from Thursday.

Friday, 26 August 2011

This is a photograph which I took yesterday whilst doing my portraits of my friend Luke. This was on the way back from Ferry Meadows and I thought it'd be a nice opportunity to take a photograph of it. I know if you use HDR photography a lot it can become very repetitive and get boring but for this one I saw it as a one off chance. 

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Today I went down to Nene Park or better known to people from Peterborough as Ferry meadows to do a portrait shoot with my good friend Luke. I've decided I'm going to concentrate on doing portraits for a while now because it's an area which I feel I need to and would like to improve in. Tomorrow's plan is to sort through the photos which I have taken and to narrow them down to my best few to then go ahead and to finalise them. 

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

This is an image which came with my sunset photos whilst in Liverpool (I'm still to look through them properly and edit my final one/s). I took this image with a large depth of field and a slow shutterspeed which gave motion blur to the people walking down the street; this is an idea which I wish to explore in the future. If I re-visit Liverpool I'll reshoot this but try and get there at a time when there'll be more people.
This is one of my final images from a test shoot which I done on the 22nd with my friend Joanne. My shoot was inspired by this image taken by Louise Daddona. I feel that as a test shoot on the whole I didn't explore many ideas, locations and poses at all and I didn't produce nowhere near enough images to call it a successful test shoot however I got one image I was relatively happy with. I am going to reshoot in the next few weeks with a different location and outfit. 

Saturday, 20 August 2011

After finally arriving home after a hectic month, things are looking up for me! I've managed to get my hands on a film developing tank and spools for free on www.freecycle.com because some kind man was giving them away. I also have my friend's Zenit 11 35mm camera which I'll be able to do some shooting on :). 

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Made myself another Tumblr blog for my photography so now I have my personal one and my photography tumblr 

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

After telling myself I'd go home, I decided I'd stay in Liverpool until the weekend and found myself today armed with my camera and a tripod down by the Mersey taking photographs of the sunset. I feel my pictures came out fairly well but I've not yet looked through them properly and decided which I'm going to look at further and which I'm not. The one above is just random shot which from a first look, looks like something I'll possibly look at a second time. I'll be back down by the river again later on today for the sunset again to try and get some different pictures. If only it was possible to get down onto the sand below...