Thursday 28 June 2012

After not posting on here for a while and for abusing my blog I'm going to give you all a massive update on what's been going on.

The members in Awkward Noise and Three Point Four managed to pull it all together and get the exhibition up and ready and the preview evening went down smoothly on Tuesday 26th June with a lot of familiar faces and good feedback was received! I will upload all of my images in the series being exhibited in the next few days.

It's also the end of the academic year and a final last minute rush to get all assignments handed in and up to the right grades which hopefully will be done.

All in all, it's been a very busy and productive past few weeks!

Monday 11 June 2012

This is my latest photo shoot towards my exhibition images which will be on show in two weeks time! Like usual, edits and final images will be uploaded when I can.