Thursday, 13 December 2012

The first term at university has gone really well!

In my critical practise module I got a low 2.1 in the grading criteria being covered in my presentation; not bad considering I had to go first in a group of 14 people and in my visual assignment I got two high 2.1 and a low First in the 3 criteria being covered.

I got described as having a 'good work ethic' from my sketchbook; staying awake from the Wednesday at 10:30am and not sleeping until 2am on the Friday seems to do me well so I can't complain! I want to try and improve my work ethic though from having to collect all of my research then putting it together in the end on a mad all-nighter and to try and put in a sketchbook as I go along so I'm not in a manic rush to get it all done.

I am now back in Peterborough and I'm planning on starting a new project based around tragedies which have happened in Stanground, where I live, to keep myself motivated. I'm tempted to do this on colour film too so I can use the colour darkroom!  

Other updates:
My student finance has at long last been sorted and money they owe me has been paid, so hopefully it's smooth sailing now.
My theory test for driving has been booked for the 27th of this month and my instructor thinks I'm ready to be put in for my practical once my theory's been taken!
I also have accommodation next to sorted for next year and I shall be living with 4 other photography students; 1 in my year and the others currently in the second year.

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